Early Spring Faery...

A young Faery, holding a flowering branch. She's a tiny creature, perched on faux twigs, who would stand perhaps 5 and 1/2 inches in her stocking feet. If she had stockings. More images before long.  (She'll be flying the eBay faery realm tonight or tomorrow.)
P.S. A possible change of plans: she may not fly as far as eBay, having perhaps found herself a home already, fortunate little creature. We shall see.

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Faery has her wings...

This faery is ready to fly to eBay, tonight or tomorrow. I’ll announce her debut on my eBay mailing list (if you’d like to sign up for that, see the link at right). These are the same wings as pictured below, in the Jan. 29 entry. It’s harder to capture the colours when somebody’s wearing them! The faery would stand about 8 inches tall, were she not sitting on a mushroom. The fibers in her ‘skirt’ are distressed silk gauze, in very pale green & pink. I believe she is dressed for a fay event, but she did not tell me what that might be.
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